
(650) 479-3033 (or 6504793033) is located in Half Moon Bay, CA

FRAUD/SCAM WARNING! Several users have reported that calls from 650-479-3033 may be fraudulent. Stay aware and do not share any personal information unless you have verified the identity of the caller.

 Click to see 16 complaints about 650-479-3033 below
  Phone Number Lookup Information
City Half Moon Bay
State California (CA)
Country United States of America (USA)
Phone Number Variations 650-479-3033
(650) 479-3033
Operating Company Number (OCN) 7453
Date Viewed 2/12/2025

Comments for 650-479-3033 16 reports total

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Missed call from 650-479-3033? Read the comments below to find out more about who may have called. Did you answer an unwanted call from 650-479-3033? Be sure to report the call by letting the community know below.

* We all know how frustrating unwanted calls can be, but please be respectful of the community and potential visitors when commenting by keeping comments civil and informative. Thank you!
Thank you for reporting your experiences with 650-479-3033!

Left a robotic voicemail stating from the IRS.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Officer Nicky Johnson

IRS will NOT call you on the phone, Just a scam.....Blocked the number....

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Nikki

Just listened to a voicemail left by robo Nicky lol. Doesn't even sound real enough to consider a call back. Deleted lol

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Nicky Johnson from IRS

Reported that they are IRS and need immediate response, or action would be taken.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Nikki Johnson

Been receiving VMs from this number stating that they are the IRS and I need to call them back urgently before they take action against me. I will be blocking the number.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: ? Says they are IRS, but are not

Same As below comments. This is the second call I have received. The first was from a foreigner calling from the sheriffs office and said to call back. The number was our county sheriffs office though. Second call from Nicky person.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: IRS

IRS Scam. Have called twice today. "Officer Nicky Johnson" from the "IRS".

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Nicky Johnson

IRS scam. They will keep calling, so I suggest you block them.

Call Type: Fraud

spam dont call them back

I received the same call and unfortunately call this number before reading these comments. I don't get it, what are they trying to achieve from calls like this?

Call Type: Other - Unwanted
Caller Name: pretend to be IRS

Nicky Johnson from the irs? Scammer

Robo Call from someone by the name of Nicky Johnson claiming to contact you concerning a case with the IRS

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Nicky or Nikki Johnson

Very fake sounding call from "Nicky Johnson" of the "IRS" requesting a call back.

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Nicky Johnson

Robo call from "IRS"

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Nicky Johnson

This is another Scan. I contacted the police again but no action. Do not call them back!!!!

Claims to be Internal Revenue Service.

Call Type: Robocall