
(580) 233-6168 (or 5802336168) is located in Enid, OK

FRAUD/SCAM WARNING! Several users have reported that calls from 580-233-6168 may be fraudulent. Stay aware and do not share any personal information unless you have verified the identity of the caller.

 Click to see 2 complaints about 580-233-6168 below
  Phone Number Lookup Information
City Enid
State Oklahoma (OK)
Rate Center ENID
Country United States of America (USA)
Phone Number Variations 580-233-6168
(580) 233-6168
Operating Company Number (OCN) 9533
Date Viewed 9/9/2024

Comments for 580-233-6168 2 reports total

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* We all know how frustrating unwanted calls can be, but please be respectful of the community and potential visitors when commenting by keeping comments civil and informative. Thank you!
Thank you for reporting your experiences with 580-233-6168!

A scammer trying to get access to my laptop just called me on this computer. He told me to run a assoc command (from the cmd window), and pointed to the CLSID id, saying that this was my computer. This id is only a version id on many computers. When I told him it is was my id, he said that I was wasting his time.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Alex?

Mideastern accent, started explaining about malware and how I was infected.. I immediately cut him off and explained how he was reading from a script and assuming I used windows but as I was on a Mac the malware ruse was obviously a scam. I was then told to 'Shut up' and the fellow hung up on me. Then two hors later my home was called (first call was my cell) and tried the same game on my wife. When I called OSBI on the subject I was told since I didnt fall for it nothing could be done...

Call Type: Fraud