
(320) 207-9232 (or 3202079232) is located in Hinckley, MN

FRAUD/SCAM WARNING! Several users have reported that calls from 320-207-9232 may be fraudulent. Stay aware and do not share any personal information unless you have verified the identity of the caller.

 Click to see 25 complaints about 320-207-9232 below
  Phone Number Lookup Information
City Hinckley
State Minnesota (MN)
Rate Center HINCKLEY
Country United States of America (USA)
Phone Company ONVOY, INC.
Phone Number Variations 320-207-9232
(320) 207-9232
Operating Company Number (OCN) 4899
Date Viewed 2/12/2025

Comments for 320-207-9232 25 reports total

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Missed call from 320-207-9232? Read the comments below to find out more about who may have called. Did you answer an unwanted call from 320-207-9232? Be sure to report the call by letting the community know below.

* We all know how frustrating unwanted calls can be, but please be respectful of the community and potential visitors when commenting by keeping comments civil and informative. Thank you!
Thank you for reporting your experiences with 320-207-9232!

Message left on our home phone claimed to be from IRS/Treasury and threatening us that we were in serious trouble and if we didn't return the call it would be a second felony. Male with East Indian accent. No name given. Fraudulent and very threatening. Could be frightening to the unsuspecting.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: none given

Claimed to be from Treasury Dept. Threatened litigation against me. His name was Steve Martin.

Call Type: Fraud

Steve Martin caller recording.....magistrate grand jury....2nd attempt....demanding a call back.....

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Steve Martin

unlike caller below who had Dean Martin call. We just had Steve Martin calling... same speech about magistrate or grand Jury.... etc.... its a shame a company like onvoy can not better police and control the usage of phones that they hand out to people.

Same as below, IRS scam...

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Indian using O'Conner (irish) last name

Message was usual IRS scam. "This is our second attempt to reach you...you'll be brought up before a magistrate or grand jury" etc. etc. This stuff is so maddening. I worry that they might actually snag some unsuspecting people with this.

Call Type: Fraud

Message was usual IRS scam. "This is our second attempt to reach you...you'll be brought up before a magistrate or grand jury" etc. etc. This stuff is so maddening. I worry that they might actually snag some unsuspecting people with this.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Steve Martin (hah!)

They say they're from the treasury and the IRS

Call Type: Other - Unwanted


Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: IRS Representative

This call was left on my answering machine. Thanks for the info indicating fraud.

Same as everyone else. Verbatim. How annoying.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Steve Martin. I was hoping for some jokes at least.

I thought he said his name was Dean Martin

Definite FRAUD and SCAM. Ignore and block number.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: who cares what his name is!

Same experience. Called at 8:19 am this morning. Will not be calling them back.....

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Steve Martin

Same issue as others. Went to voicemail. Believe have received this call before a few months ago. Calling to Kingsport, TN area.

Call Type: Fraud

"Hi this message is intended to contact you. My name is Steve Martin and I'm calling regarding an enforcement action. If you cuter by the US treasury intending your serious attention. Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jewelry for a federal criminal offense. My number is 320-207-9232. I repeat 320-207-9232. I advise you to cooperate with us and help us to help you. Thank you.

Call Type: Fraud

Leaves message saying I committed a felony and it was a second attempt. Keeps changinging numbers.

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Steve Martin

Yes! Same idiot!! He must be on a roll! He called at 5:00. Left same message!!

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Steve martin

Same voicemail call complaint as others. Gentleman stating that it was his second attempt to reach me. He was hard to understand, he said his name was Steve Martin. If I didn't respond I could be charged with Felony for not responding.

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Steve Martin

Ignored the call and got a voicemail. Male caller left a message claiming to be from US Treasury. Said not returning the call would warrant appearing before magistrate. Couldn't understand most of the message due to his thick accent. Didn't try to call back .

Call Type: Fraud

Same experience as others. Received call from man with foreign accent said his name was Steve Martin (really) and claimed to be from the U.S. Treasury. Said if I did not call back, I would be sent before a magistrate or grand jury. When I called the number, a man answered. I asked for his name and he said he was officer something (I understand what he said). I told him I was turning the number over to our state attorney's office and hung up.

Call Type: Fraud

Robo caller with a foreign accent who said his name was Steve Martin (how original) left message claiming he was from the US Treasury and that dire things would happen if he wasn"t called back at this number. Who falls for this stuff?

From US Treasury failure to cooperate could result in all kinds of things. Tried to call back but no answer

male called with accent and advised me to call him back at 320-207-9232 and that I may need to appear before a federal magistrate strongly advised me to cooperate due to a federal crime???? I just hung up as it was a recording!

Call Type: Robocall

Called and said calling from US treasury department . Failure to call him back will result in jail etc. etc.