
(203) 993-8206 (or 2039938206) is located in Bridgeport, CT

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  Phone Number Lookup Information
City Bridgeport
State Connecticut (CT)
Country United States of America (USA)
Phone Number Variations 203-993-8206
(203) 993-8206
Operating Company Number (OCN) 6388
Date Viewed 1/16/2025

Comments for 203-993-8206 No reports yet

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* We all know how frustrating unwanted calls can be, but please be respectful of the community and potential visitors when commenting by keeping comments civil and informative. Thank you!
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Other related reports


This phone number showed up on a Fed X Delivery Notice. It is NOT my phone number. My address was correct.

Call Type: No Response/Hang-Up
Caller Name: Unknown


It's true...Peter really is a nice guy...I enjoyed our conversation. Valerie...

Call Type: Real Caller/Legitimate
Caller Name: Valerie


caller said this is carlton starks of mediation services you have a pending cade in the office that requires your immediate attention it is imperative that he speaks with me today my number is 203-484-3516 if I do not hear from you or your attorney, I will document that you have waived your right to counsel and submit your case.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: carlton starks


Called 2x, third time left 2 sec. NON-message

Call Type: No Response/Hang-Up
Caller Name: Dunno


called me five times, let voice mail come one but could only hear chatter in back ground


Received a call from this number. When I called back it is reported as a disconnected number. The name shown on caller id was Margery Booth.


Some kind of sales call because I could hear chatter in the background like a call center. Asked for somebody who I don't have at this location. Gave him our corporate office's phone number.

Call Type: Other - Unwanted
Caller Name: Didn't say


Legitimate work magazine renewal verification call. Had to wait for call center person to pick up

Call Type: Real Caller/Legitimate
Caller Name: dunno


sayss he is from medicare....and he sees on some report that I need a back brace... which I don't......I asked him about who he was and he finally admitted he was not from medicare but he was going to block my medicare.....

Call Type: Other - Unwanted


Wanted to verify mailing address for National Sales Rep, I had to reply one moment please as this woman keep speaking over me, she didn't leave a message

Call Type: Other - Unwanted


Msg left was nineteen seconds of typing noises. No content, voices etc at all.


Hung up 4 seconds into voicemail. heard other people talking in the background. Sounded like a call center.

Call Type: No Response/Hang-Up


Keeps calling my business phone multiple times per day.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Yes, as stated below..some Indian


calls continually from different numbers. comes up as Async. either car warranty or credit rate reduction.

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Async


call from async, about car warranty, call from different numbers at least 3 times aweek.

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Async


203-450-3772 is bad person scary and threatening action if we don’t abide by what he says I told my kids not to answer anymore numbers that they don’t have programmed in their phones!


Same as all these other complaints calls at night and calls during day Robot in day Indian at night threatening legal problems


Haha. Some Indian F. Priceless.


Called the front security desk. Ended call when i wouldn't transfer him to who he wanted.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Some Indian fuck



Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: Robot


Recorded voice... scam

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Hikton hotel scam


Saying I have bad credit, not true always had good credit if they call just hang up n block them,

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: anonymous


Didn't recognize the number so I didn't answer. No message left so now I'm blocking the number

Call Type: Other - Unwanted


shows as async caller said you should have received paperwork already, this is about extended warranty.

Call Type: Telemarketer/Spam
Caller Name: Async


Came through ID as USPS office Milford Ct. Is scam looking to help you with a special offer for credit.

Call Type: Fraud
Caller Name: USPS Milford