
(201) 948-1225 (or 2019481225) is located in Kearny, NJ

FRAUD/SCAM WARNING! Several users have reported that calls from 201-948-1225 may be fraudulent. Stay aware and do not share any personal information unless you have verified the identity of the caller.

 Click to see 4 complaints about 201-948-1225 below
  Phone Number Lookup Information
City Kearny
State New Jersey (NJ)
Rate Center KEARNY
Country United States of America (USA)
Phone Number Variations 201-948-1225
(201) 948-1225
Operating Company Number (OCN) 077H
Date Viewed 1/16/2025

Comments for 201-948-1225 4 reports total

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Missed call from 201-948-1225? Read the comments below to find out more about who may have called. Did you answer an unwanted call from 201-948-1225? Be sure to report the call by letting the community know below.

* We all know how frustrating unwanted calls can be, but please be respectful of the community and potential visitors when commenting by keeping comments civil and informative. Thank you!
Thank you for reporting your experiences with 201-948-1225!

Received a robot call from 201-948-1225 saying it was IRS and I would be investigated for fraud and to call them back. This is a scam/phishing call to get people to give them their personal information.

Received a robot call from 201-948-1225 saying it was IRS and I would be investigated for fraud and to call them back. I have read that NO government agency will call you to say your being investigated. Fake Fraud Call..

Call Type: Robocall
Caller Name: Said it was IRS.

Fake robot message saying it is the IRS and that I will be investigated and that it is urgent that I call this number. Fully authorized IRS inform you by letter. They never leave a hit and run phone number.

Call Type: Fraud

Fake robot message saying it is the IRS and that I will be investigated and that it is urgent that I call this number. I get hit by this same scam a couple times around tax time. They just randomly try numbers hoping to hit on someone who will bite. Ignore it. Fully authorized IRS inform you by letter. They never leave a hit and run phone number.

Call Type: Fraud